Wednesday, October 27, 2010

...Aaaaand We're Back!

Summer got away from us a little bit, but we're back with a new schedule! We decided to go with a "genre" theme for Bookish Women this year, so we've selected a handful of genres we want to explore along with a well-respected title in each one.

Our first meeting back will be held on Thursday, November 11 at Sister's Brew at 8:30 p.m. Check out the sidebar for the rest of the schedule through May.

This month's genre is the short story, and in honor of Halloween, we've chosen three short stories by Edgar Alan Poe. You can probably find books with the stories in the library -- or read them online here:

The Black Cat
Hop Frog

A couple other items of business: as you can see in the sidebar, we're still deciding on a if you have a suggestion leave it in the comments. Also, there's another place in the sidebar for reading recommendations. If you've read a great book lately, share here and we'll copy there as well! :-)

Can't wait to see everyone on November 11!


  1. Looks like a great schedule! I'm planning on crashing your parties, if it's okay. :)

  2. Kim, that's wonderful news! You are always welcome. :-)

    UPDATE: April will be leading the discussion on Crazy McCrazyPants (a.k.a. Edgar Alan Poe) on the 11th! Can't wait!

  3. You can read "The hero and the crown" on line...through Google books.

    Thanks for keeping the Book Club was a lot of fun.

    I excited to hear Kim is still in town and hope she will come next time!

  4. I didn't see a place to comment on the recommendation page (I might just be crazy) but I do have a recommendation!

    Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King
    It is a true story which takes place in 1815. Captain James Riley and the crew of the Commerce get shipwrecked off the coast of Africa. They are captured by nomads and made slaves in the Sahara desert. It is an incredible story of hardship and survival.

  5. Thanks for the tip about The Hero and the Crown, Lynette! Indeed it was a great time. :-)

    Thanks for the head's up and the recommendation, Susannah! I just activated comments on the recommendations page. (I'm not super familiar with Blogger, as I prefer Wordpress in my personal and professional blogging pursuits -- but I'll figure it out eventually!) :-)
