We will be reading Silas Marner (by George Eliot) this month. It's fairly short, so we'll be meeting on Wednesday, April 14th, at 8:30 p.m. at the Hillside Village Clubhouse to discuss it. Megan is going to lead our discussion. Also, we're going to have a Bookish Women birthday party (celebrating EVERYONE'S birthdays), and we'll be eating traditional English food. If you'd like to volunteer to bring something English, just let me know. So far, Hailey is bringing cake, and I'm going to provide a traditional English Tea (more of a snack-meal than anything. Teatime in England doesn't necessarily mean tea will be served. I have an English friend who called going out for pizza at 5 p.m. "tea."). I realize this doesn't give people much time to read the book, but even if you don't get a chance to read it, please come and have fun with us! We'll watch a little excerpt of the movie, too.
Another thing I'd like to do this month is have a favorite novel swap. Please find a cheap or used copy of your favorite novel (or one of your favorites), and bring it to our SPECIAL EVENT, which will be held Wednesday, the 28th of April, at 8:30 p.m.
I'm also going to be compiling a summer reading list. Please think of at least four NOVELS that you recommend to fit the following categories: Life Changers, Pure Entertainment, I'd Recommend This to Anyone, and Longtime Favorites. Please send me the titles of the books, their categories, their authors, what you'd "rate" them (if they were a movie--G, PG, etc.) and why, and give a one or two-sentence thought about the book (not a summary, but what you thought about this book or how it affected you). Here's an example:
Kim T. would recommend HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE, by Diana Wynne Jones, to anyone. She rates it PG for magic and very mild story-book violence, and says, "This book is very smart and fun, as are all of Diana Wynne Jones' books."
We'll compile this list and post it on this blog so you can enjoy some fun summer reading!